The leaves are turnt, so why aren’t you? Enjoy the SMNTCS Autumn Mixtape. Follow the Autumn Mixtape playlist on Spotify and Apple Music.

A home for SMNTCS-curated playlists.
The leaves are turnt, so why aren’t you? Enjoy the SMNTCS Autumn Mixtape. Follow the Autumn Mixtape playlist on Spotify and Apple Music.
The good folks over at Elixr Global asked me to curate a poolside playlist and I was happy to oblige, it’s called Poolside Convo. Check out their blurb below and make sure to sign up […]
The perfect House Party Mix is one that blends feel-good nostalgia from different decades with anthems of the moment, let my ever-growing house party mix be your source. Not to be confused with Help I’ve Fallen […]
Help I’ve Fallen And I Can’t Turn Up: The Playlist is your answer to a scenario where a party needs saving, or when you see it heading in a ratchet direction. Not to be confused […]
When I fly, I need music that serves several purposes, and my Plane Flights playlist is the perfect multi-purpose soundtrack. I need music that can quell my anxiety, serve as a sleep aid, and/or keep me focused […]
For all the real shuffle heads who need a heatwave soundtrack, this is the SMNTCS Summer Tape. Updated weekly until Fall rolls around. If you use Spotify, click here or stream below, for Apple Music […]
The official SMNTCS Spring Mixtape. Just hit shuffle. Did we miss a song? Let us know in the comments!